Avatar increased its gross by nearly 20% on the previous weekend despite a small reduction in print numbers. The film has now passed the €5m mark in the Republic with 3D prints taking six times the total grossed on conventional 2D screens.
The Squeakquel grew by approximately 50% over the previous weekend's gross while Sony's It's Complicated also stretched its legs with an additional 18%.
The better figures may suggest that the bad weather had supressed cinema-going over the previous fortnight and that audiences were shrugging off their cabin fever and doing some catching up.
Irish film Happy Ever Afters is tailing off with a disappointing €63,847 total gross after four weeks on what began as a 30-print release. The Irish Film Board contributed €37,500 towards the print and advertising costs of the release through a distribution support loan on December 16 last.
Updated with chart:
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